The Web documentary project was put forward to tell the origins and epic story of the Regiment from colonial times to the present day. Depending on the funding available, this webcast could be 60 minutes long, and aims to tell the story of the Regiment through six 10-minute audio-visual segments on digital networks in both official languages. While much of the documentary is based on archival documents and films, much of the script will draw on the testimony of members of the Regiment who will recount their experiences during military operations. The documentary seeks to reach a general audience through digital platforms (Historia, Radio-Canada, You Tube, Facebook, Canadian Army webpage, RBC 12th Association webpage, military museums) to make these men and women known and how they have made the Regiments’ history. The production company Krow of Quebec is ready to proceed with the realization and shooting.


The committee has taken steps to finance 70% of donations/private funds and plans for 30% of the project to be funded through government grants. The size and complexity of the project will depend on the funding available. Individual donations would help maximize the size of the production.

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